Graphic Design Internship

Discover Mediaworks

Discover Mediaworks was founded in 1987 with just one product, firmly focused on a single vision: helping an entire region Discover Wisconsin by telling its most captivating stories via the most impactful medium of the time—broadcast television. Over the years, the company expanded this mission to tell other stories through TV programming, corporate video, brand development and marketing communications.

Position Details

Graphic Design Internship
Southwest Wisconsin
Madison, WI

Discover Mediaworks’ Graphic Design Internship is designed for students who are passionate about design and interested in the television production industry. Discover Mediaworks is seeking an exceptional intern, who will gain knowledge and experience in a variety of graphic design functions including social media, web & digital, and print materials.

Design the weekly Facebook cover photo for Discover Wisconsin, as well as other social media materials. Design and create digital and print content. Design 2018 Discover Wisconsin calendar. Participate in marketing brainstorms with Discover Wisconsin TV crew.

Intern must be actively enrolled in a Bachelor’s program and studying a creative discipline such as graphic design or similar. Preferred qualifications include:

  • Exhibits open-mindedness, passion, adaptability and willingness to learn, 
  • Possesses outstanding written communication skills, 
  • Demonstrates strong organization skills and attention to detail.

This is a paid internship at 15-25 hours/week.

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